I heart my seedlings


April 30, 2013 by Mrs W-M


Leek seedlings growing up

At last – seeds are growing up to be little seedlings! I’m nurturing them like a proud parent and jump around like a mad thing if the husband turns the heating on “Don’t heat up the tomato seedlings!!”

I’ve heard on the gardening grapevine, that the planting season is about 20 days behind what it should be at this time of year so if you’ve yet to get started – it’s really not too late at all.

I’ve dusted off the veg plot plan and if you’re growing along side with me this is what I’ve done so far:


Carrots covered on the left and beetroot on the right

 Sown beetroot outside (Detroit 2)
Beetroot are a piece of cake (that would be amazing!) to grow so I’m not too worried about those guys.

 Sown carrots outside (Flyaway)
All I ever read about carrots is the pesky carrot fly that sniffs out your seedlings and burrows into them reduces them to mush, so I’ve sown a ‘Flyaway’ which are carrot fly resistant. They also take a while to germinate so I’ve covered with polythene to keep moist and warm. Apparently they like seaweed so if you live near the beach nip down and collect some carrot fertiliser.

 Sown peas and put in the courtyard (didn’t need a coldframe after all) (Wonder)
I’ve put these in some cardboard packaging which really works at retaining the water 


Lettuce seeds came up quickly

 Sown lettuce and put in the courtyard
These lil fellas are starting to come up already!


 Lovely leeks are a’ sprouting
I thought these had failed but they are all coming up – in a world of instantaneousness having to wait more than 2 weeks for seeds to germinate was tough! I’ve never been so excited to see a tiny green shoot coming up through the soil!



Tomato seedlings enjoying their own space

Potted on some tomatoes
Once the seedlings have started to developed ‘proper leaves’ rather than the ones they popped up with, move them onto pots of their own (so proud!). A good tip I read is to always hold the seedling by it’s leaves and not the stem – break the stem and it’s curtains for the seedling, break a leaf and it will probably be ok.

So with these seeds you need heat to germinate them and then just protection from the cold – if you continue to heat them they will go all leggy and pale and wither away.

 Planted earlies – Charlotte potatoes
To save space I’m growing these in bags, they look like they need more watering than they would in the ground so be more vigilant with the watering can than normal.

 Next month I’m going to:
Plant the seconds and maincrop potatoes
Harden off tomatoes
Order sweet potatoes plugs
Plant lots more seeds!

Hope all is going well in your patch




2 thoughts on “I heart my seedlings

  1. mithriluna says:

    Looks so exciting! My husband and I have had a vegetable garden for years but I was more interested in flowers and he took care of the veggies. Trying to eat a more healthy diet has caused me to more motivated about the garden this year. I am trying out spinach and lettuce for the first time. It looks like I am a few weeks ahead of you here in NJ. Good luck with your garden!

    • Mrs W-M says:

      Thanks for stopping by! I must try spinach, that’s a good idea. Yes – even for South West England it’s still pretty nippy here!

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